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Según lo establecido en la LSSICE 34/2002 le informamos que los datos obtenidos por medio de la presente página Web se ajustan a las obligaciones y requisitos dimanados de la LOPDGDD 15/99 y sus reglamentos desarrollados en el RLOPDGDD RD 1720/2007 y el RGPD UE 2016/679. Además le informamos que el responsable del tratamiento es TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL, con CIF. B76587559 y dirección AV. RAFAEL PUIG LLUVINA, 22, 38650 PLAYA DE AMERICAS, ARONA. Para cualquier aclaración o consulta puede ponerse en contacto por email en:

Aceptación de Términos

Los servicios que TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL describe y/o suministra en la Web están sujetos a los siguientes Términos de Uso. TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL se reserva el derecho de actualizar estos términos de uso sin previo aviso. A la versión más actualizada de estos términos podrá acceder usando el enlace disponible en la Web como “Aviso legal y Términos de Uso.”

Por el acceso a la Web se le atribuye la condición de “Usuario de la Web” (en adelante, el "Usuario") e implica la aceptación plena y sin reservas de todas y cada una de las disposiciones incluidas en este Aviso Legal en la versión publicada por TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL en el momento mismo en que el Usuario acceda a la Web. En consecuencia, el Usuario debe leer atentamente el presente Aviso Legal en cada una de las ocasiones en que se proponga utilizar la Web, ya que aquél puede sufrir modificaciones.

Ponemos a disposición del Usuario diferentes medios de contacto, que podrá encontrar en la sección de contacto de la Web.

Con Carácter General

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL informa que la página web tiene por objeto facilitar, al público en general, el conocimiento de las actividades que esta empresa realiza y de los productos y servicios que presta.

Sobre el Acceso y los Contenidos

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL se reserva la facultad de efectuar, en cualquier momento y sin necesidad de previo aviso, modificaciones y actualizaciones de la información contenida en la Web o en la configuración y presentación de ésta.

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL no garantiza la inexistencia de errores en el acceso al Web, en su contenido, ni que éste se encuentre actualizado, aunque desarrollará sus mejores esfuerzos para, en su caso, evitarlos, subsanarlos o actualizarlos.

Limitación al uso personal y no comercial

El Usuario se compromete a utilizar la Web y los Servicios de conformidad con la ley, el presente Aviso Legal, y demás avisos, reglamentos de uso e instrucciones puestos en su conocimiento, así como con la moral y las buenas costumbres generalmente aceptadas y el orden público.

Queda prohibido transmitir o enviar a través de la Web cualquier contenido ilegal o ilícito, virus informáticos, o mensajes que, en general, afecten o violen derechos de TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL o de terceros.

La utilización no autorizada de la información contenida en esta Web, así como la lesión de los derechos de Propiedad Intelectual o Industrial de TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL, dará lugar a las responsabilidades legalmente establecidas.

Enlace a sitios de terceras partes

En la página de TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL se proporcionan vínculos a otras páginas web que permiten abandonar ésta. TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL no se responsabiliza del contenido de cualquier vínculo o vínculos subsiguientes de dichas páginas ya que no están bajo su control.

Además estos vínculos se proporcionan con fines prácticos y no implican la aceptación o recomendación de TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL.

Política de Cookies

En cumplimiento con lo dispuesto en el artículo 22.2 de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico, esta página web le informa, en esta sección, sobre la política de recogida y tratamiento de cookies.

 ¿Qué son las cookies?

Una cookie es un fichero que se descarga en su ordenador al acceder a determinadas páginas web. Las cookies permiten a una página web, entre otras cosas, almacenar y recuperar información sobre los hábitos de navegación de un usuario o de su equipo y, dependiendo de la información que contengan y de la forma en que utilice su equipo, pueden utilizarse para reconocer al usuario. 

 ¿Qué tipos de cookies utiliza esta página web?

Esta página web utiliza los siguientes tipos de cookies:

Cookies de análisis: Son aquéllas que bien tratadas por nosotros o por terceros, nos permiten cuantificar el número de usuarios y así realizar la medición y análisis estadístico de la utilización que hacen los usuarios del servicio ofertado. Para ello se analiza su navegación en nuestra página web con el fin de mejorar la oferta de productos o servicios que le ofrecemos.

Cookies técnicas: Son aquellas que permiten al usuario la navegación a través del área restringida y la utilización de sus diferentes funciones, como por ejemplo, llevar a cambio el proceso de compra de un artículo.

Cookies de personalización: Son aquellas que permiten al usuario acceder al servicio con algunas características de carácter general predefinidas en función de una serie de criterios en el terminal del usuario como por ejemplo serian el idioma o el tipo de navegador a través del cual se conecta al servicio.

Cookies publicitarias: Son aquéllas que, bien tratadas por esta web o por terceros, permiten gestionar de la forma más eficaz posible la oferta de los espacios publicitarios que hay en la página web, adecuando el contenido del anuncio al contenido del servicio solicitado o al uso que realice de nuestra página web. Para ello podemos analizar sus hábitos de navegación en Internet y podemos mostrarle publicidad relacionada con su perfil de navegación.

Cookies de publicidad comportamental: Son aquellas que permiten la gestión, de la forma más eficaz posible, de los espacios publicitarios que, en su caso, el editor haya incluido en una página web, aplicación o plataforma desde la que presta el servicio solicitado. Este tipo de cookies almacenan información del comportamiento de los visitantes obtenida a través de la observación continuada de sus hábitos de navegación, lo que permite desarrollar un perfil específico para mostrar avisos publicitarios en función del mismo.

                Desactivar las cookies.

Puede usted permitir, bloquear o eliminar las cookies instaladas en su equipo mediante la configuración de las opciones del navegador instalado en su ordenador.

En la mayoría de los navegadores web se ofrece la posibilidad de permitir, bloquear o eliminar las cookies instaladas en su equipo.

A continuación puede acceder a la configuración de los navegadores webs más frecuentes para aceptar, instalar o desactivar las cookies:

Configurar cookies en Google Chrome

Configurar cookies en Microsoft Internet Explorer

Configurar cookies en Mozilla Firefox

Configurar cookies en Safari (Apple)

Cookies de terceros.

Esta página web utiliza servicios de terceros para recopilar información con fines estadísticos y de uso de la web. Se usan cookies de DoubleClick para mejorar la publicidad que se incluye en el sitio web. Son utilizadas para orientar la publicidad según el contenido que es relevante para un usuario, mejorando así la calidad de experiencia en el uso del mismo.

En concreto, usamos los servicios de Google Adsense y de Google Analytics para nuestras estadísticas y publicidad. Algunas cookies son esenciales para el funcionamiento del sitio, por ejemplo el buscador incorporado.

Nuestro sitio incluye otras funcionalidades proporcionadas por terceros. Usted puede fácilmente compartir el contenido en redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter o Google +, con los botones que hemos incluido a tal efecto.

 Advertencia sobre eliminar cookies.

Usted puede eliminar y bloquear todas las cookies de este sitio, pero parte del sitio no funcionará o la calidad de la página web puede verse afectada.

Si tiene cualquier duda acerca de nuestra política de cookies, puede contactar con esta página web a través de nuestros canales de Contacto.

Protección de Datos

En virtud de la LOPDGDD 15/99 y sus reglamentos aplicables, el RLOPDGDD RD 1720/2007 y el RGPD UE 2016/679, le informamos que sus datos personales están incorporados a una base de datos de clientes propiedad del responsable del tratamiento, TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL, cuya finalidad será informar, promover y/u ofrecer todos aquellos servicios propios y/o relacionados con LA EXPLOTACIÓN DE CONSULTAS MÉDICAS EN GENERAL, PEDIATRÍA, MEDICINA INTERNA, CARDIOVASCULAR, PULMONAR, ODONTOLOGÍA, OFTALMOLOGÍA, NEUROLOGÍA, OTORRINOLARINGOLOGÍA, TRAUMATOLOGÍA, RADIOLOGÍA Y LA CIRUGÍA EN GENERAL DENTRO DE TODAS SUS RAMAS, PRACTICADA MEDIante despacho o consulta.

Las comunicaciones generales o acciones comerciales que pudieran derivar de dicha actividad profesional se realizarán por medios presenciales, electrónicos y/o impresos, durante el tiempo de vigencia del contrato, aquella propia de las obligaciones legales o jurídicas y/o mientras que el interesado no ejerza sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación, supresión, oposición, limitación y portabilidad sobre los datos personales facilitados.

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL realiza eventualmente campañas de comunicación entre sus clientes limitadas a aquellas acciones relacionadas con la finalidad o finalidades descritas anteriormente, previo consentimiento.


Los datos en cualquiera de los casos antedichos, serán eliminados en virtud de los plazos legales establecidos en cada caso para cada tipo de tratamiento recogido en el informe de riesgos de TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL (Ej. Clientes, candidatos, proveedores, etc.).

Se le informa además que TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL ha adoptado las medidas informáticas, físicas y/o técnicas para evitar la pérdida, robo o acceso y/o uso indebido de sus datos.

Puede ejercer sus derechos ante TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL enviando un escrito a la siguiente dirección física: AV. RAFAEL PUIG LLUVINA, 22, 38650 PLAYA DE AMERICAS, ARONA, o bien por email en .


As foreseen and regulated in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSICE) we inform you that the data obtained through this website comply with the obligations And requirements stipulated in Data Protection Organic Law 3/2018, of December 13 (LOPDGDD).

We inform that the holder is the commercial entity TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL, with NIE.  B76587559, and registered office at the address AV. RAFAEL PUIG LLUVINA, 22, 38650 PLAYA DE AMERICAS, ARONA. For any clarification or consultation you can contact us by phone at +34 664116299, or by ordinary mail at the above postal address.

The use of this website as well as those of the subdomains and/or directories (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Site”) is subject to both the General Terms of Use and the specific conditions of the Site (hereinafter “Conditions Individuals “) that, as the case may be, may govern the use of certain services offered in it. Therefore, prior to the use of such services, the User will also have to read carefully both this Legal Notice and, as the case may be, the corresponding Particular Conditions. Likewise, the use of the Site is also subject to all notices, regulations of use and instructions, which made known to the User by TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL, replace, complete and/or modify the present General Conditions of Use. By the mere use of the Site Or from any of the sites included in the website, the User expresses his acceptance without reservation of these General Conditions of Use.

Therefore, if you do not agree with the considerations detailed in this Legal Notice, please do not use the Site, as any use made of the same or the services and content in it will imply acceptance of the legal terms contained in this text.

Acceptance of Terms.

The services that TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL describes and / or provide on the Web are subject to the following Terms of Use.

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL reserves the right to make changes to the Site without prior notice, in order to update, correct, modify, add or delete the contents of the Site or its design. The contents and services of the Site are updated periodically. Updates of information are not immediate, so we suggest you to always check the validity and accuracy of the information, services and content collected on the Site. As the terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice may vary, we invite you to review these terms when you visit the Site again.

Access to some of the sections or parts of this website can be redirected to other pages of TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL, where you will also find the corresponding General Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, all in line with those contained in this page.

You can access the most updated version of these terms by using the link available on the Web as “Legal notice and Terms of Use.”


About Access and Contents.

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL reserves the right to make modifications and updates of the information contained in the Web or in the configuration and presentation of it at any time and without need of prior notice. TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL does not guarantee the absence of errors in the access to the Web, in its content, or that it is updated, although it will do its best to avoid, correct or update them.


User´s conditions.

Access to the Web is attributed the status of “User of the Web” (hereinafter, the “User”) and implies the full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice in the Version published by TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL at the moment when the User accesses the Web. Consequently, the User must read this Legal Notice carefully in each of the occasions in which it proposes to use the Web, since that one can undergo modifications.

We put at the disposal of the User different means of contact, which can be found in the contact section of the Web.

With General Character TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL informs that the website aims to facilitate, to the public, the knowledge of the activities that this company carries out and of the products and services that it provides.

User´s responsabilities.

The User agrees to use the Services of the Site in accordance with the terms expressed in this Legal Notice, being responsible for its correct use. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the User undertakes not to use the Site for the provision of services, the performance of advertising or commercial exploitation activities.


Veracity of the data provided by the user.

Some of the services offered require the previous registration of the User, for whose use he must register as a User of TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL website, having to read and expressly accept, at the time prior to his registration in the service, the conditions Registration and Privacy Policy.

All information provided by the User must be truthful. To these effects, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the data that he / she communicates as a consequence of completing the necessary forms for the registration and access to certain services. It will also be the responsibility of the User to keep all information provided to TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL permanently updated in a way that responds, at any time, to the actual situation of the User. In any case, the User shall be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any damages caused to TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL or third parties for the information provided.

Anyone who sends communications to this website or its owners will be responsible for these contents, also it regards its truthfulness and accuracy, and therefore TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL is not responsible for the information and contents introduced by third parties. However, and in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL is available to actively collaborate with all users, authorities and security forces in the withdrawal. Blocking all those contents could affect or contravene national or international legislation, third party rights or morality and public order. In case of user consideration that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify the owner of the website immediately.

Use of the facilities of the instant messenger (CHAT).

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL is not responsible for the contents that are in contravention of these General Conditions of Use and any others that regulate or can regulate any of the services offered on TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL website, is not responsible for the parties that might be sent, the User may be responsible for the veracity and legality of the same.

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL is not responsible for the use that may be made nor for the contents that can be sent and / or visualized through the system of instant messaging (chat). None of the information and / or content that may be introduced and / or visualized through this facility may be understood as content TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL or that TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL has any responsibility thereon. Notwithstanding all of the foregoing, it reserves the right to withdraw access to this facility in the event that it is aware of its improper use, understood as such by the introduction of illegal content or contrary to morality and public order, as well as in case of being made use of it that is or may be harmful to TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL’s image.

Use of the contents of the Site. Limitation to personal and non-commercial use.

The User is obliged not to use the Site or the services offered in or through it for the activities that are contrary to laws, morality, public order, detrimental to the rights and interests of third parties or that may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the Site.

The User acting against the image, good name or reputation of TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL, as well as anyone who uses the designs, logos or contents of the Site and / or violates in any way the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Site or the Contents and services thereof, will be responsible towards TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL for its performance. For the purposes hereof, it is understood that the contents are texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as their graphic design and source codes. In particular, the User undertakes to refrain from:

1. Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or otherwise communicate publicly, transform or modify the Contents, unless authorized by the holder of the corresponding rights or is legally permitted;

2. Suppress, manipulate or otherwise alter the “copyright” and other identifying data of the reservation of rights of TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL or its owners.



Intellectual property rights and industrial property rights.

Both the design of the Site and its source codes, as well as the logos, trademarks, and other distinctive signs that appear in it, belong to TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL or collaborating entities and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights. Likewise, images, logos and melodies are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights. Contained on the server of TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL. At no time may it be understood that the use or access to the Site and / or the services offered therein attribute to the User by mentioned marks, trade names and / or distinctive signs.

Its use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or same activity is totally prohibited unless expressly authorized by TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL. The license to use any content of this Site granted to the user is limited to the download by the user of said content and the professional use thereof, provided that said contents remain intact.
TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL declares its respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties. Therefore, if you believe that this site may be violating your rights, please contact TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL at the following e-mail address:

Specific notice about software available on this website.

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL can provide from the Web the possibility of downloading third-party software. These tools belong to their manufacturers and, therefore, TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL will not be liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice that could derive from the use of said software.

The use of mentioned software will be governed by the license of acceptance of terms of the software itself and its manufacturer, which, in any case, the User must read and accept prior to its installation and use.

Link to third party sites.

In the page of TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL there are some provided links to other web pages that allow to leave this one. TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL is not responsible for the content of any link or subsequent links of said pages since they are not under its control. Furthermore, these links are provided for practical purposes and do not imply the acceptance or recommendation of TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL.


TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL strictly prohibits the performance of ¨framings¨ or the use by third parties of any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration or contents of your Site.



TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL complies with the Organic Law 15/1999, on the protection of personal data and any other regulations in force in the matter, and maintains a Privacy Policy on personal data, which describes, mainly, the use that TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL makes the personal data, the User is informed in detail of the essential circumstances of such use and the security measures that apply to his personal data to prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing them.

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL may use ¨cookies¨. “Cookies” are text files that computers send to your hard drive to give your computer faster access to the selected web page. The purpose of the “cookies” of TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL is to customize the services we offer, providing you with information that may be of interest to you. The “cookies” do not extract information from your computer, nor do they determine where you are. If, however, you do not want a “cookies” installed on your hard drive, we ask you to configure your computer browser to not receive them. However, we note that, in any case, the performance of the website may decrease.



1. Incorrect usage of website

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL has created the Site for the dissemination of its activity and to facilitate access to its services, but cannot control the use of the same in a different way to that provided in this Legal Notice; Therefore, access to the Site and the correct use of the information contained therein is the responsibility of whoever carries out these actions, and TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL is not responsible for the improper, illicit or negligent use that the User may make of it, nor the knowledge that may have unauthorized third parties of the kind, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of Users’ use of the Site and services. Likewise, TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL shall not be liable for damages of any nature that may be due to the impersonation of the third party personality made by a User in any kind of communication made through the Site.

2. Usage of content

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL facilitates all the contents of its Site and will make its best efforts so that they are permanently updated and in force; However, TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL cannot assume any responsibility with respect to the use or access made by Users outside the scope of the Site, whose final responsibility will be taken by the User.

3. Virus

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL undertakes to apply all necessary measures to try to guarantee to the User the absence of viruses, worms, Trojan horses and similar elements in its Site. However, these measures are not infallible and therefore cannot fully ensure the absence of such harmful elements. Consequently, TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL will not be responsible for the damages that they may cause to the User.

4. Technological failures

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL has concluded all necessary contracts for the continuity of its Site and will make its best efforts so that it does not suffer interruptions, but cannot guarantee the absence of technological failures, nor the permanent availability of the Site and the services contained therein, and, consequently, does not assume any responsibility for the damages and damages that may be generated by the lack of availability and by the access failures caused by disconnections, breakdowns, overloads or failures of the network not attributable to TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction.

The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any question related to the services of this Site, will be Spanish law. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise during the visit to the Site or the use of the services offered in it, TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL and the User agree to submit to the Judges and Courts of domicile of TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL.


Links or Hyperlinks.

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL gives you access to other web pages that we consider may be of interest to you. The purpose of these links is only to facilitate the search of resources that may interest you over the Internet. However, some of these pages do not belong to TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL nor does a review of their contents, so that at no time may TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL be considered as responsible for the same, the operation of the linked page or the possible damages that may be derived from access or use of it.

The linking of any webpage or an e-mail address to the Site will not be permitted except with the express written authorization of TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL. In addition, such links must respect the following conditions: (a) links may only be made to the Home Page or main page of this website; (B) the establishment of the link will not imply any agreement, sponsorship or recommendation by TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL of the page that makes the link unless it is derived from the corresponding contractual relationship between the parties.

At any time, TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL may withdraw the authorization mentioned in the previous paragraph, without having to plead any cause. In such case, the page that made the link should proceed to its immediate suppression, as soon as it receives notification of the revocation of the authorization by TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL.

Duration and termination.

The provision of the service of the Site and the other services offered in the Site has, in principle, an indefinite duration. However TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL may terminate or suspend the provision of the service of the Site and / or any of the services at any time, without prejudice to what has been provided in this respect in the corresponding particular conditions. For this purpose, TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL will communicate this circumstance in the screen of access to the service with a notice of fifteen days.

TENERIFE LC MEDICAL PRACTICE SL also reserves the right to unilaterally modify the presentation and conditions of the Site at any time and without prior notice, as well as the services thereof and the conditions required for its use.

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